One of the most useful tools in checking Job Browser Pro was to click on the CBP hyperlink in the Estimated DOT Employment Numbers embedded on the industry line. With version 7.4 and update 7.4.1, JBP stopped the inconsistent use of three, four, and five digit industry codes (NAICS). That CBP hyperlink still takes the user to the SkillTRAN Industry Analyzer.
The useful data that representatives need and vocational witnesses should use was and is on the Staffing Pattern button. The Industry Analyzer describes the NAICS code, title of the code, and narrative. The Industry Analyzer then lists the occupational groups employed in that industry. A green + button used to give a drop down list of DOT codes. A red + button meant that although the Department of Labor estimates jobs within the occupation existing in that industry, SkillTRAN could not identify an appropriate DOT code.
As of today, that DOT code list is empty. The Industry Analyzer does not list the DOT codes resident at the occupation-industry intersection for the 50 or so intersections checked. I hope that SkillTRAN restores that useful data.
In the meantime, JBP still has the internal WT. that brings up the list of DOT codes assigned within the program. Users cannot retrieve a list of all occupations in that industry, just the ones at the occupation-industry intersection. The internal link does not have convenient internal cross-check against the SkillTRAN Industry Analyzer.
Suggested Citation:
Lawrence Rohlfing, SkillTRAN Industry Analyzer No Longer Shows DOT Codes, California Social Security Attorney (July 20, 2022)
The author is AV rated for over 20 years and listed in Super Lawyers for 14 years.

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