Vocational witnesses identify marker, DOT 209.587-034, as a go to light occupation with simple routine or repetitive duties involving occasional contact. With reasoning level 2, marker fits the simple work mantra in many jurisdictions. VW find refuge in this occupation; Job Browser Pro estimates 165,000 jobs.
One of the features of JBP is the hyperlink button to the ORS data. JBP reports the first final and second final wave estimates. For marker, the hyperlink button to "Show ORS Data" is greyed out. With 2,8 million jobs in the occupational group and 165,000 jobs in the DOT code, certainly the Bureau of Labor Statistics has gotten to this occupational group. It has.
The 2018 revisions of the Standard Occupational Classification moved SOC 43-5081, stock clerks and order fillers, to SOC 53-7065, stockers and order fillers. The O*NET divided stock clerks and order fillers into detailed categories:
- SOC 43-5081.01, Stock Clerks, Sales Floor
- SOC 43-5081.02, Marking Clerks
- SOC 43-5081.03, Stock Clerks - Stockroom, Warehouses, or Storage Yard
- SOC 43-5081.04, Order Fillers, Wholesale and Retail Sales
The ORS did not cover marking clerks, including marker, in the 2018 data set. The ORS covers the entire range in the 2023 data set. Occu Collect provides all the reports in the front page or in archives. The question is how to extract the data from JBP and SkillTRAN.
Clicking on the hyperlink button takes the user to https://online.skilltran.com/cbp/orsResults.php?dot=XXXXXXXXX. If you try to go there directly, it won't work. That URL works from JBP but not natively. The nine Xs are the DOT code. Open JPB to any occupation that has ORS data. I use lens inserter. When you get to the DOT estimate for that other occupation, click on the ORS hyperlink. When JBP opens your browser to that page, change the URL with the DOT code for your occupation to the DOT code for marker, no hyphen, no spaces, "209387034." You now have the 2023 ORS data for stockers and order fillers.
What does the ORS tell us about stockers and order fillers? The jobs require SSA defined medium exertion and require more than six hours of standing and walking,
Suggested Citation:
Lawrence Rohlfing, Accessing ORS Reports from Job Browser Pro -- Marker for Example, California Social Security Attorney (February 24, 2024, corrected March 8, 2024)
The author has been AV-rated since 2000 and listed in Super Lawyers since 2008.
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