Thursday, August 10, 2017

Production Workers, All Other and the Optical Goods Industry

Back in SOC 51-9199 -- List of DOT Industries and Number of Occupations, we looked at the huge occupational group of production workers, all other, and listed the number of DOT codes applicable to individual industries as listed in the DOT itself. The blog set out the proposition that there existed 20 different DOT codes that Labor lists as nestled inside of SOC/O*NET group 51-9199.

For an original look and feel to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles presentation, I continue to like the GovtUSA website. Final assembler is one of those sedentary and simple occupations that vocational experts love to identify. The GovtUSA version of the DOT sets out the occupation:
713.687-018 FINAL ASSEMBLER (optical goods)

Attaches nose pads and temple pieces to optical frames, using handtools: Positions parts in fixture to align screw holes. Inserts and tightens screws, using screwdriver.
GOE: 06.04.23 STRENGTH: S GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77
Looks like I was reading the hardback original presentation. Just a little nostalgic but I like the crisp original feel. Notice the parenthetical expression, "(optical goods)." That is the industry designation. One of the indexes in the DOT was and is the industry designation. We lose that separate index in the electronically published versions of the DOT, probably as redundant. Again, I like that original-style presentation. Here, it confirms the industry designations. The GovtUSA website doesn't present the index. It hyperlinks to the United States Department of Labor Office of Administrative Law Judges Law Library. That oozes authenticity.

So we ctrl-F down to optical goods industry. The first thing that the appendix tells us is that optical goods industry is different than instruments and apparatus industry. File that in the good to know category. Makers of other medical products have their own industry designation. The appendix defines the optical goods industry:
optical goods--OPTICAL GOODS INDUSTRY: This designation includes
occupations concerned with grinding lenses and manufacturing and
repairing optical goods. The major products are spectacles,
eyeglasses, goggles, eyeglass frames, lenses, prisms, opera and
field glasses, microscopes, and telescopes.
Counting the formal titles presented in ALL CAPS, I get 87 DOT codes that the DOT says are unique to the optical goods industry. The 20 that belong to 51-9199 are:

713.687-018 FINAL ASSEMBLER (optical goods)
713.687-026 LENS INSERTER (optical goods)
716.685-014 DRILLER (optical goods)
713.684-034 MULTIFOCAL-LENS ASSEMBLER (optical goods)
711.684-014 CEMENTER (optical goods)
713.684-014 ASSEMBLER, MOLDED FRAMES (optical goods)
713.687-014 CONTACT-LENS-FLASHING PUNCHER (optical goods)
739.687-154 POLISHING-PAD MOUNTER (optical goods)
713.687-038 SALVAGER (optical goods)
713.687-042 SUNGLASS-CLIP ATTACHER (optical goods)
713.384-010 ASSEMBLER, GOLD FRAME (optical goods)
713.684-010 ASSEMBLER, CLIP-ON SUNGLASSES (optical goods)
713.684-018 BENCH WORKER (optical goods)
716.687-010 DEBLOCKER (optical goods)
713.684-022 EMBOSSER (optical goods)
713.684-042 WASHER (optical goods)
716.685-010 BLOCKING-MACHINE TENDER (optical goods)
713.684-026 EYEGLASS-FRAME TRUER (optical goods)
716.684-010 BLOCKER, HAND (optical goods)
716.360-010 SIZER, MACHINE (optical goods)

And remember that County Business Patterns reports that the ophthalmic goods industry represents less than 25,000 jobs in every occupational classification, not just production workers. And please don't forget that the employment projections describe production workers, all other, as making up 1.1% of industry employment in the medical goods industry group.

Sort Order    Code       Title                                                                   Employment Percent of industry
123               339100   Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing           3.5                 1.1

If the industry has less than 25,000 jobs and production workers, all other, make up 1.1% of industry employment, then the 20 occupations listed make up fewer than 275 jobs. Paint that insignificant for all of them. 


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