Friday, August 11, 2017

Occupational Requirements Survey, SSA, and Proof of Work

We are likely to get some push back from the ALJ corps when submitting ORS data sheets.  BLS provides a list and links to ORS Production Materials.  One of those materials is the Social Security Administration endorsement letter.  Let's check the content of that letter out.  On SSA letterhead:

Dear Participant:
Thank you for taking part in the Occupational Requirements Survey. The information that you
provide in thi s survey will he lp us, the Social Security Administration, make correct decisions in
our disabil ity programs, which currently provide financi al help to more than 14 million di sabled
individuals, and 2 million eligible dependents.

When deciding ifan individual qualifies for di sa bility benefits, we look at a person's work
hi story, medical condition, physical and mental abi lity to perform work-related tasks, and if a
significant number of jobs exist in the economy that they could still perform . The information
you provide in thi s survey will help us to better define the jobs that exist in our nati onal
economy, and accordingly, the types of work that someone might be able to do.

In an effort to compile a comprehensive li sting of the jobs that someone may be able to do, we
collaborated with the Department of Labor's Bureau or Labor Statistics to develop a new
Occupationallnlormation System. This system will house information on the skill requirements,
the environmental conditions, and the phys ical and mental demands of all of the di fterent types
of work available in our national economy.

We greatly value your cooperation in providing us with information about the occupations
available in your organi zation. For more information about this project, and how we use the
information that you provide to inform the disabi lity program and help the American people,
please visit our website at

Thank you again for your time in taking part in this important survey.


Carolyn W. Colvin
Acting Commissioner

My comfort level in using the ORS data just reached orbit.

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